Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, 2nd edition

Edited By:


Date: 2001 / Microcosm, Inc.

The second edition features several exciting changes to this exceptional book. Thirty pages longer than the original, there are ground illumination calculations, Moon rise and set data, a listing of relevant Internet sites. Moreover there are improved and expanded discussions of coordinate systems, orbit determination and differential correction, along with FREE Software available in Fortran, Pascal and C!

The increased power of microcomputers has changed the study of perturbations perhaps more than any other subfield of astrodynamics, but students and practitioners still need a compendium of well-documented algorithms to use that power. Vallado's book is just such a compendium, integrating two-body dynamics with perturbation methods and real-world applications while consolidating recent literature about coordinates and fundamental concepts. It attempts to use new programming capabilities to exploit the keys for the future-- standardizing, documenting, modularity, efficiency, and maintainability.

Print book: 958 pages.


Experienced systems engineers

Program Managers

Project teams

Graduate-level systems engineering students

Aspiring or young systems engineers

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